
At Trofi Pack, we place great importance on operating in accordance with the laws and regulations within the AGF sector. Our practices have been assessed through external audits to demonstrate compliance with stringent food safety requirements. Trofi Pack holds the SKAL (organic) certification, IFS certificate (Higher Level AA), and GLOBALG.A.P. CoC (Chain of Custody).

SKAL Organic

Skal Biocontrole is the independent organization overseeing the entire organic chain in the Netherlands. Through supervision, certification, and information provision, they commit themselves to ensuring a demonstrably reliable organic product for consumers.

Skal is an independent administrative body (zbo) and ensures that the organic production, processing, and trading of products comply with the organic EU regulation, the Dutch Agricultural Quality Act, and the regulations and foundations of Skal Biocontrole. By visiting and inspecting companies annually, Skal monitors the entire Dutch organic chain, taking care of a demonstrably reliable European organic certification.


The IFS Food Standard reviews the products and production processes to evaluate a food producer’s ability to produce safe, authentic, and quality products according to legal requirements and customer specifications. It supports businesses in meeting the growing transparency and traceability demands in the market and contributes to improving product integrity and increasing efficiency. Qualified IFS Auditors working for independent accredited certification bodies carry out the audits. IFS Standards are subject to assessments by governmental or private organisations.

GlobalGAP Chain of Custody

GLOBALG.A.P. CoC (Chain of Custody) allows supply chain stakeholders to demonstrate management systems that protect the segregation, identification, and traceability of products originating from GLOBALG.A.P. certified production processes. This way, products produced in line with safe, socially and environmentally responsible farming practices can be connected with a GLOBALG.A.P. CoC claim at the end of the chain – reducing integrity risks, providing reassurance to customers, and adding value to a brand in the market. Applicable to products originating from production processes certified to Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) or Compound Feed Manufacturing (CFM), CoC is tried, tested, and trusted around the world, with certificate holders operating in over 50 countries.




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