Trofipack Den Hoorn Harnaschdreef Den Hoorn_2 (2)

Trofi Pack

More than just packing

Your partner for cooling, packaging, and distributing various products, including mangoes, avocados, exotic fruits, grapes and sweet potatoes.


Cooling, ripening and packing

Trofi Pack is a rapidly expanding and innovative service provider specializing in cooling, ripening and packaging of exotic fruits.

Tailored distribution of your fresh products

You can rely on us for efficient and high-quality intake, storage, and outtake services. Your fresh products will be meticulously managed and distributed to your specifications from our location in Den Hoorn.

Achieving the desired ripeness, in the preferred packaging, and in the specified quantity.

Trofi Pack. More than just packing.

About us
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Trofi Pack has a machine park with 25 state of the art packaging lines, offering different types of packaging for different exotics and other fresh produce. Our clients can track the entire process - from storage to packaging - through our warehouse management system.


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